All presentations are recorded at SGB/CPRM youtube channel
TV SGB youtube channel
Day One | Opening Cerimony
Day one Youtube original language | Day one Youtube translation 1, Portuguese (org) to English English (org) to Portuguese
Speech by the Organizing Committee, Daniel Moreira and Fabrice Papa
Speech by UFPA-Belém, Representative of Rector, Arnaldo Queiroz da Silva
Speech by SGB Director, Alice Silva de Castilho
Speech by IRD Representative to Brazil, Abdel Sifeddine
Speech by CNES Hydrology Program Manager, Delphine Leroux
Speech by ITV Representative, Paulo Pontes
Speech by Itaipu Director of Coordination, Carlos Carboni
Speech by ABRHidro President, Alexandre Kepler Soares
Speech by INPE-Belém Director, Alessandra Rodrigues Gomes
Speech by French Embassy in Brazil, Vice-Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action, Sophie Jacquel
Speech by Secretary of the Environment of the Municipality of Belém, Christiane Ferreira
Day One Morning (11h00-12h30) | Session 1 : General presentation by Institutions and Agencies.
Chair persons: Daniel Moreira (SGB/GET) – Fabrice Papa (IRD/LEGOS)
Contribution of space agencies to hydrology and water cycle from space. Delphine Leroux, CNES Hydrology and Water Cycle Program Manager
South America Water from Space: An international initiative for the survey of water resources from space in South America. Fabrice Papa, IRD/LEGOS
IRD activities in Brazil and in the Amazon. Abdel Sifeddine, IRD representative to Brazil
SGB activities in Brazil. Andrea Germano, SGB-DEHID
WMO activities in South America. Cristian Escobar, WMO
ABRHidro Technical commission on Amazonia. Alexandre Kepler Soares (ABRHidro), Ayan Fleischmann (Mamiraua), Paulo Pontes (ITV)
Keynote: Hydrogeodesy to Address Water-related and Sustainability Challenges, F. Jaramillo, Uni. Stockholm
Day One Afternoon (14h00-18h00) | Session 2 : Water Cycle and Climate extremes; Continental water from space; The SWOT mission.
Chair persons: Alice Fassoni – Oliver Saavedra
Keynote: Observing water from space with SWOT. Jean-François Crétaux, CNES-LEGOS, France
Widespread of extreme low river water level during the 2023 and 2024 Amazon droughts revealed by altimetry and SWOT. Daniel Moreira, SGB, Brazil and GET, France
Future climatic and hydroclimatic projections in Latin America. Rodrigo Paiva, IPH-UFRGS, Brazil
Timing of Global Surface Water Transitions Reveals Human Influence on Recent Growth in Water Extent. Gustavo Willy Nagel, University of Southampton, UK
Day One Afternoon (14h00-18h00) | Session 2 : Water Cycle and Climate extremes; Continental water from space; The SWOT mission (continued).
Chair persons: Juliana Campos- Fabrice Papa
Keynote: From Skylab to EnMAP: 50 years of water quality remote sensing studies in Brazil. Evlyn Novo, INPE, Brazil
SWOT reveals how the 2024 disastrous flood in South Brazil was intensified by increased water slope and wind forcing. Leo Laipelt, IPH-UFRGS, Brazil
Numerical modeling of the water level extremes along the Amazon delta: perspectives for spaceborne altimetry. Paul Coulet, LEGOS, France
The extreme drought of 2024 in the lower basin of the Paraguay River. Andres Wehrle, University of Ascension, Paraguay
Rios Online, a Citizen Science Initiative in the Amazon basin. Naziano Filizola, UFAM, Brazil
Day Two
Day two Youtube original language | Day two Youtube translation 1, Portuguese (org) to English English (org) to Portuguese
Day Two Morning (9h00-10h50) | Session 3: Tracking Amazon hydrology and environment from Space.
Chair persons: Delphine Leroux – Benjamin Kitambo
Keynote: Remote sensing for sustainable Amazon waters. Ayan Fleischmann, Mamiraua Institute, Brazil
Sentinel-1 data reveals unprecedented reduction of Open Water Extent due to 2023 drought on central Amazon basin. Daniel Maciel, INPE, Brazil
Looking upstream: analyzing the protection of the drainage area of Amazon rivers. Rosane Cavalcante and Paulo Pontes, ITV, Brazil
Remote sensing contribution to simulate hydrodynamics in Amazonia (Curuai floodplain) under climate constraints. Pauline Enguehard, IRD ESPACEDEV, France
Os rios controlam a vida na Amazônia?. Naziano Filizola, UFAM, Brazil
Day Two Morning (11h15-12h30) | Session 3: Tracking Amazon hydrology and environment from Space (continued).
Chair persons: Evelyn Novo – Mauricio Cordeiro
Presentation of THRISHNA mission. J-L Roujean, Cesbio, France
Recent increase in Amazon floodplain flows largely exceeds that of the main river. Alice Fassoni, UnB, Brazil
Riparian communities in the Central Amazon are largely subject to erosion and sedimentation risk. Andre Zumak, Mamiraua Institute, Brazil
Integrating Satellite Data to Map 2023-2024 Surface Water Loss in the Amazon. Carlos Moreira de Souza Jr, Imazon, Brazil
Hydroclimatic trends in the Madeira River Basin – impacts of desforestation and greenhouse gas emissions in the Amazon region. Leonardo Alves Vergasta, UEA, Brazil
Day Two Afternoon (13h45-14h45) | Session 3: Tracking Amazon hydrology and environment from Space (continued).
Chair persons: Julia Rossi – Rodrigo Abarca del Rio
Exploring the potential of InSAR for the delineation of inundation extent in tropical wetlands. Clara Hübinger, University of Stockholm, Sweden
Ensemble hydrological predictions at intraseasonal scale through a statistical-dynamical downscaling approach over southwestern Amazonia. Fabio Nunes de Souza, UEA, Brazil
Application of P-band radar to the characterization of hydrography in tropical forests. Laurent Polidori, UFPA, Brazil
Day Two Afternoon (16h15-18h15): Session 4: Hydrology from Space in Africa
Chair persons: Fernando Jaramillo – Luiz Henrique Maldonado
Keynote: Remote sensing for sustainable African rivers, results and prospects. Raphael Tshimanga, CRREBaC and Uni Kinshasa, RD Congo
Hydroclimatic variability in the tropical Amazon and Congo basins, and its interactions with vegetation, ocean and atmosphere: an integrated approach. Sly Wongchuig, CNES-LEGOS, France
Survey of African lakes from space. Paul Gerard Gbetkom, LEGOS, France
Hydrogeological control of monthly groundwater storage variation in the Congo Basin confirmed by GRACE signal decomposition. Benjamin Kitambo, Congo Basin Water Resources Research Center (CRREBaC) and University of Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Toward regional applications of spatial hydrology in Africa: challenges and advances. Adrien Paris, HydroMatters, France
Day Three
Day three Youtube original language | Day three Youtube translation 1, Portuguese (org) to English English (org) to Portuguese
Day Three Morning (9h00-12h30) | Session 5: Hydrological studies in river systems in Latin America and worldwide.
Chair persons: Adrien Paris – Raphael Tshimanga
Exploration of SWOT capabilities in South America aided by citizen scientists. Angelica Gomez, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, USA
Flood analysis in Bolivian Andes using a combined satellite-based precipitation, Oliver Saavedra, Bolivia
Dynamics of the May 2024 Porto Alegre flood as measured using SWOT, GNSS reflectometry, and GNSS surveys. Felipe Nievinski, UFRGS, Brazil
Streamflow Elasticity Curves to Precipitation in South America. Arthur Kolling Neto, UFRGS, Brazil
Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Satellite-Based Mapping of Suspended Sediment Concentration: Case Studies in the Pantanal, São Francisco and Doce River Basins. Juliana Andrade Campos, ITV, Brazil
Long-term monitoring of evaporation in the largest South American lakes and reservoirs. Júlia Brusso Rossi, IPH-UFRGS
Comparison of flooded surfaces through two satellite products (SWOT and Sentinel-2) for the Chaschoc-Seja Lagoon System in Tabasco, Mexico, Mario Alberto Hernandez Hernandez, UNAM, Mexico
Towards monitoring Tank Irrigation from Space. Victoria Vanthof, University of Waterloo, Canada
Sensitivity of lumped and semi-distributed hydrological models to gridded precipitation datasets in a transboundary basin (Titi Caca). Paula Lady Pacheco Molllinedo, IRD/ESPACEDEV, Bolivia
Assessment of SWOT data and Analysis of small reservoirs dynamics in Northeast Brazil, Rafael Reis, GET, France and FUNCEME, Brazil
Day Three Afternoon (14h00-16h30) | Session 6: Water resources and risk management. Operational Hydrology.
Chair persons: Ayan Fleischmann – Paulo Pontes
Early Warning and Risk Forecast Scheme. Alex Ovando, CEMADEN, Brazil
From Early adopters to the use of SWOT at ANA. Alexandre Amorim and Mauricio Cordeiro, ANA, Brazil
Assessing the contribution of daily surface waters observations versus the current operational constellation of altimeters for hydrological monitoring of under-monitored basins: the Cases of Maroni and Niger basins. Laetitia Gal, HydroMatters, France
Aplicação da altimetria por satélite SWOT para monitoramento do nível d’água no Reservatório da Itaipu. Luiz Henrique Maldonado and Pablo Souza Dos Santos, ITAIPU, Brazil
Result of the MARU project: Water color processing applied to the monitoring of waste water discharge impact in 2 brazilian basins. Paul Haener, OIEau, France and Brazil
Precipitation: characteristics, new remote sensing techniques and operational hydrological applications. Romulo Oliveira Juca, HydroMatters, France
Advances on Satellite monitoring of reservoir stocks. Santiago Pena Luque, CNES, France