2024 – Presentations

All presentations are recorded at SGB/CPRM youtube channel

TV SGB youtube channel

Day One | Opening Cerimony

Day one Youtube original language | Day one Youtube translation 1, Portuguese (org) to English English (org) to Portuguese

Speech by the Organizing Committee, Daniel Moreira and Fabrice Papa

Speech by UFPA-Belém, Representative of Rector, Arnaldo Queiroz da Silva

Speech by SGB Director, Alice Silva de Castilho

Speech by IRD Representative to Brazil, Abdel Sifeddine

Speech by CNES Hydrology Program Manager, Delphine Leroux

Speech by ITV Representative, Paulo Pontes

Speech by Itaipu Director of Coordination, Carlos Carboni

Speech by ABRHidro President, Alexandre Kepler Soares

Speech by INPE-Belém Director, Alessandra Rodrigues Gomes

Speech by French Embassy in Brazil, Vice-Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action, Sophie Jacquel

Speech by Secretary of the Environment of the Municipality of Belém, Christiane Ferreira

Day One Morning (11h00-12h30) | Session 1 : General presentation by Institutions and Agencies.

Chair persons: Daniel Moreira (SGB/GET) – Fabrice Papa (IRD/LEGOS)

Day One Afternoon (14h00-18h00) | Session 2 : Water Cycle and Climate extremes; Continental water from space; The SWOT mission.

Chair persons: Alice Fassoni – Oliver Saavedra

Day One Afternoon (14h00-18h00) | Session 2 : Water Cycle and Climate extremes; Continental water from space; The SWOT mission (continued).

Chair persons: Juliana Campos- Fabrice Papa

Day Two

Day two Youtube original language | Day two Youtube translation 1, Portuguese (org) to English English (org) to Portuguese

Day Two Morning (9h00-10h50) | Session 3: Tracking Amazon hydrology and environment from Space.

Chair persons: Delphine Leroux – Benjamin Kitambo

Day Two Morning (11h15-12h30) | Session 3: Tracking Amazon hydrology and environment from Space (continued).

Chair persons: Evelyn Novo – Mauricio Cordeiro

Day Two Afternoon (13h45-14h45) | Session 3: Tracking Amazon hydrology and environment from Space (continued).

Chair persons: Julia Rossi – Rodrigo Abarca del Rio

Day Two Afternoon (16h15-18h15): Session 4: Hydrology from Space in Africa

Chair persons: Fernando Jaramillo – Luiz Henrique Maldonado

Day Three

Day three Youtube original language | Day three Youtube translation 1, Portuguese (org) to English English (org) to Portuguese

Day Three Morning (9h00-12h30) | Session 5: Hydrological studies in river systems in Latin America and worldwide.
Chair persons: Adrien Paris – Raphael Tshimanga

Day Three Afternoon (14h00-16h30) | Session 6: Water resources and risk management. Operational Hydrology.
Chair persons: Ayan Fleischmann – Paulo Pontes