All presentations are recorded at SGB/CPRM youtube channel
TV CPRM youtube channel
Day One | Opening Cerimony
Day one Youtube original language | Day one Youtube translation 1, Portuguese (org) to English English (org) to Portuguese | Day one Youtube translation 2 , Portuguese (org) and English (org) to Spanish
Speech by the Organizing Committee, Daniel Moreira and Fabrice Papa
Speech by Director Superintendant of PTI, General Eduardo Garrido
Speech by Brazil Director General of Itaipu, Almirante Anatalicio Risden
Speech by Director of Hydrology and Land Mangement of SGB-CPRM, Alice Castilho
Speech by Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action to the French Embassy in Brazil, Francois Legue
Speech by Secretary General of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACT), María Alexandra Moreira López
Day One | General presentation by Institutions and Agencies. Talks on Water Cycle and Observations | Chair persons: Daniel Moreira (SGB/GET) – Fabrice Papa (IRD/LEGOS)
Presentation by SGB-CPRM officials (Frederico Peixinho)
Presentation by IRD official (F. Seyler)
Presentation by IPH-UFRGS official (Joel Avruch Goldenfum)
Presentation by ABRHidro official (Diogo Buarque) and Presentation of the ABRHidro edition book (Amazon from Space) in Portuguese
Presentation by CNES official: The SWOT mission and Hydrology from Space general overview (Jean-François Crétaux, CNES,France)
Rios Online, a Citizen Science Initiative in the Amazon basin (Naziano Filizola, UFAM, Brazil)
Day One | Session 1: Continental water from space and SWOT mission | Chair persons: Daniel Kazay (Itaipu) – Frédérique Seyler (IRD)
Keynote Amazon Hydrology From Space: Scientific Advances and Future Challenges, (Rodrigo Paiva et al., IPH-UFRGS)
Tracking global surface water extent from space (M. Bonnema, NASA-JPL, USA)
Worldwide Rivers monitoring from altimetry: current status and future mission (S. Calmant, IRD, France)
Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH) – a Latin American perspective (Pedro Chaffe, UFSC and the UPH Latin America)
The variability of water storage in the Tropics: current knowledge and future opportunities (Fabrice Papa, IRD-France and UnB-Brazil, Daniel Moreira, SGB-Brazil and GET-France)
Chair persons: Oliver Saavedra (UPB, Bolivia)- Tannia Maria Isabel Villanueva Aguero (Itaipu, Paraguay)
Use of satellite for Itaipu management (D. Kazay, Itaipu, Brazil)
Monitoring reservoirs in the Brazilian Nordeste from satellites (Alfredo Ribeiro Neto, UFPE Recife, Brazil)
Climate variability affects water storage extremes in South America (Rodrigo Abarca del Rio, Uni. Conception Chile and Vanesa Bohn, Uni. Nacional del Sur Argentina)
Remote sensing of precipitation, a review (Romulo Juca Oliveira, LEGOS – Hydro-Matters and M. Gosset, IRD-France and FUNCEME-Brazil)
Day Two | Session 2: Integrated studies for hydrology and water cycle. | Chair persons: – Marielle Gosset (IRD/GET, France) – M. Bonnema (NASA, USA)
We had the Day Two videos , blocked on Youtube, we are working to solve it soon
Keynote: Sustainable development of Amazon wetlands through hydrologic and interdisciplinary approaches: the contribution of satellite data (Ayan Fleischmann, Mamiraua Institute, Brazil)
Lake monitoring from space (J-F Crétaux, LEGOS-CNES, France and R. Abarca del Rio, Uni Conception, Chile)
Development of combined daily satellite-based precipitation products over Bolivia (Oliver Saavedra, Bolivia)
Recent developments in low-cost ground-based GNSS Reflectometry for water altimetry (Felipe Geremia Nievinski, UFRGS, Brazil)
Amazon hydrological reanalysis and land-atmosphere interactions in a changing climate (Sly Wongchuig, LEGOS-CNES) et al.
Day Two | Session 3: SWOT Early adopters and Operational Agencies. | Chair persons: Rodrigo Abarca del Rio (Uni Conception, Chile) – Ayan Fleischmann (Mamiraua Institute, Brazil)
Engaging the Applied User Community of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission (Margaret Srinivasan, NASA-JPL, USA)
WMO-IRD collaboration to promote the use of satellite and other innovative data to enhance operational HydroMeteorological services and flood warning (Marielle Gosset, IRD, France)
Ongoing studies LabISA-INPE in supporting the monitoring of Brazilian inland Waters by Remote Sensing (Claudio Barbosa, INPE, Brazil)
Strengthening knowledge for better transboundary water resources management in the Guiana shield: case of the BIO-PLATEAUX project (Célia BIANCAT, OiEau, French Guyana, Chevelle Rigters, Ministry of Public Works, Hydraulic Research Division (HRD), Surinam and Jefferson Erasmo de Souza Vilhena, Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá, Brazil)
SGB-CPRM (Brazil): Remote Sensing of Water in Operational and SWOT context (Daniel Moreira, SGB-Brazil and GET-France)
ANA (Brazil) Hydrology operationnal activities (Vinícius Roman, ANA, Brazil)
SENAMHI. Hydroclimatology from Peru using space data and land climatological observations (Harold Llauca and Waldo Lavado, SENAMHI, Peru)
CEMADEN. Operational forecast in Brazilian river: expected benefits from the use of SWOT (Alex Ovando, CEMADEN, Brazil)
IBGE. Brazilian geoid and vertical datum, altimetric and tide gauge network (Roberto Teixeira Luz, IBGE, Brazil)
Operational hydrology from Space: the real time monitoring of rivers using satellite and models (Adrien Paris, LEGOS-HydroMatters, France)
Day Three | Session 4: Hydrological studies worldwide | Chair persons: Jean-Francois Crétaux(CNES, France) – Homero Reis (SGB, Brazil)
Day three Youtube original language | Day three Youtube translation 1, Portuguese (org) to English English (org) to Portuguese | Day three Youtube translation 2 , Portuguese (org) and English (org) to Spanish
Large-scale spatio-temporal variability of the Congo Basin surface hydrologic components from space over 1992-2015 (Benjamin Kitambo, LEGOS, France and CRREBaC, Congo)
Small reservoirs monitoring in the semi-arid Brazilian Nord Este in Cearà and SWOT Cal/val site (Rafael Reis Oliveira, FUNCEME, Brazil)
Sediment variability in the Amazon River basin (Andre Martinelli, SGB-CPRM and UFAM, Brazil)
Evapotranspiration from Space: Application of geeSEBAL for Brazilian biomes (Leonardo Laipelt, IPH-UFRGS, Brazil)
EIBEX – Detection of Chlorophyll a using Landsat and Planet images (Diego Alberto Tavares, Itaipu-PTI, Brazil)
Assessment of GPM era satellite rainfall products against high resolution rain maps from Commercial Microwave Links and radar in Tropical areas – Focus in moist conditions in Guyana and semi-arid Ceara (Rodrigo Zambrana, Weather Force, Bolivia)
How much evaporation occurs in Brazilian largest reservoirs? A remote sensing perspective (Júlia Brusso Rossi, IPH-UFRGS, Brazil)
SurfWater and StockWater (Nicolas Gasnier et Santiago Pena Luque, CNES, France)
Day Three | Presentation of 2 IRD GDRI. Cal/val activities during SWOT first months. Future projects after SWOT lunch. Open discussions. Closing Ceremony.| Jefferson Melo (SGB, Brazil) and Adrien Paris (Hydrometters, France)
The GRDI RainsMore (Marielle Gosset, IRD/GET, France)
The GDRI ScyHyLab: Ongoing and upcoming field campaigns in SA after the SWOT launch (S. Calmant, IRD)
Please send your presented poster for upload to [email protected] or [email protected]
Sly Wongchuig et al., A multi-mission remote sensing data assimilation for large-scale hydrological and hydrodynamic estimation
Manuel Rodrigues de Freitas Filho et al, Mapping of dams and monitoring of water bodies located in the state of Ceará
Arthur Kolling Neto (IPH, UFRGS, Brazil) et al., Flow sensitivity to climate change and variability in South America et al.
Fabien Durand (IRD, Brazil) et al., Hydrodynamics of the Amazon estuary: from tides to water level extreme events
Gomes (UEA, Brazil) et al., Ensemble hydrological predictions at intraseasonal scale through a statisticaldynamical downscaling approach over southwestern Amazonia
Andre Nascimento (IDSM, Brazil) et al., Impacts of river bank erosion and sedimentation on riparian communities in the Amazon reserve of Mamiraua.
Gasnier (CNES, France) et al., Water quality from remote sensing and the UNESCO World Water Quality Portal in La Plata basin
Vergasta (INPA, Brazil) et al., An Assessment of the Present Hydroclimatic Regime of the Madeira River Basin Using Climate and Hydrological Models
Pedro Torres Miranda (IPH, UFRGS, Brazil) et al., Low sensitivity to extremes in current hydrological modelling
Luiz Fernando Lozove (PTI, Brazil) et al., Bias evaluation of numerical weather prediction models
Stefany Gonçalves Lima (IPH, UFRGS, Brazil) et al., A methodology for estimating large-scale cascading dam failures
Ignacio Garcia Torres (UDEC, Chile) et al., Evaluation of different evaporation methods for modeling the water balance of Lake Poopó.
Aline Flack (CEMADEN, Brazil) et al., Assessing the Potential of Upcoming Satellite Altimeter Missions in Operational Flood Forecasting Systems
Benjamin Kitambo (LEGOS, France) et al., Combined use of in-situ and satellite-derived observations to characterize surface hydrology and its variability in the Congo River Basin
Aguadé (Itaipu, Brazil) team et al., O uso de modelos hidrodinâmicos para tomada de decisão na usina de Itaipu
Kazay (Itaipu, Brazil) et al., Os modelos hidrológicos considerados na rotina de previsão de afluências de Itaipu
We made on the 19th of April an Online Meeting to keep everyone updated with the SWOT mission and with the latest achievements in hydrology over South America.
We hosted 5 key presentations:
1) Status of the SWOT mission by Jean-Francois Crétaux (CNES/LEGOS) and Tamlin Pavelski (Uni. North Carolina) (French and US SWOT hydrology PIs) (30mn) (click here)
2) A review on the Special Issue “South American Hydrology and Remote Sensing“ in the MDPI journal Remote Sensing by Rodrigo Abarca (Uni. Conception, Chile) (20mn) (click here)
3) “Amazon Hydrology From Space: Scientific Advances and Future Challenges” (Fassoni et al., 2021 in Reviews of Geophysics by Rodrigo Paiva (UFRGS/IPH) et al. (30mn) (click here)
4) Status of the SWOT cal/val in South America by Stéphane Calmant (IRD), Nicolas Picot (CNES), Adrien Paris (Hydro Matters) (30mn) (click here)
5) A short introduction to the upcoming conference in November 2022 by Daniel Moreira (CPRM), Daniel Kazay (Itaipu), Rodrigo Paiva (IPH), Fabrice Papa (IRD/LEGOS) (15mn) + questions” (click here)