2019 – Day Three
Morning (9h-13h)
Session 5: Satellite-based Hydrological studies worldwide.
Chair persons: Javier Tomasella and Jean-Francois Crétaux
09h00-9h20: Hydrological modeling studies over the Uruguay River basin (Gonzalo Sapriza, given by Marielle Gosset (15’+ 5’, Confirmed)
09h20-9h40: The monitoring of SA rivers from SAR and optical observations (Santiago Yepez, Universidad de Concepción, Chile) (15’+ 5’, given by Rodrigo Abarca del Rio, Confirmed)
09h40-10h10: Hydrological studies over the Indian rivers (Indu J., IIT Mumbay, India, by Stephane Calmant) (15’+ 5’, Confirmed)
10h10-10h30: EIBEX – Environmentally Integrated Basin EXperiments : Challenges to the Integration of Field Scale and Watershed Scale Datasets (Otto Rotunno Filho, UFRJ) (15’+ 5’, Confirmed)
10h30-10h50: Hydrological studies over the Sao Francisco river (Philippe Maillard, UFGM) (15’+ 5’, Confirmed)
10h50-11h15: Coffee Break
11h15-11h35: The use of SMOS and following missions in soil moisture and water surface studies for global hydrology, (Ahmad Al Bitar) (15’+ 5’, Confirmed)
11h35-11h55: ‘SurfWater’, a dynamical database of water masks with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, (Santiago Pena Luque, CNES, Confirmed)
12h00-13h00: Preparing SWOT use with the SWOT Large scale simulator (CNES) and OTB (A. Bohe, CNES, 1h00, Confirmed)
Lunch break (13h00-14h00)
Afternoon (14h-16h)
Session 6: SWOT mission: GDRI, cal/val activities before launch, new ST and future projects
Chair persons:Philippe Maillard and Adrien Paris
14h00-14h15: The Hydroweb database presentation and its mirror in Brazil (JF Crétaux and Daniel Moreira, CNES-CPRM) (15’, Confirmed)
14h15-15h00: Ongoing and future Field campaigns in SA and the new GDRI ScyHyLab (S. Calmant and D. Moreira, IRD-CPRM) (45’, Confirmed)
15h00-15h45: Discussion on future projects / fund rising possibilities for SWOT SA / general questions
15h45-16h00: Coffee Break
16h00-18h00: (optional, for students for instance or scientists/engineers who are interested): technical activities such as training to use MAPS and OTB/CNES, automatic download series from hydroweb, etc.